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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Be Creative - Moral Stories

Beautiful message to encourage people to think creatively...Let's start from today...

What is creativity?


According to E.Franken (1988) creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.
Three reasons why people are motivated to be creative:
  1. need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation
  2. need to communicate ideas and values
  3. need to solve problem
Meanwhile, Naiman (2010) stated about her own opinion of creativity in her website entitled 'Creativity at Work: Articles & Tips'. She stated that creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of an idea. If you have ideas, but don't act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.
If I stated out everything that I've got from the Net I think this page will never end. There's too much opinions about creativity as everyone has their own perceptions on that subject. For me, creativity is a very broad subject. Sometimes, creativity is a state of mind. Or simply put - a mood. It simply means that creativity can be related to mood swing. Anyone can be creative, feel creative and do something creative. Every so often mood is related to creativity. some people normally produce something something creative when they are in such a good mood however I have a very weird habit...I usually get creative ideas whenever I feel sleepy...which is kind of weird, right? When I think about it over and over I really have no idea how does that happen..hahaha

So, back to our topic. Well, the universal truth is anyone can be creative: designers, managers, cooks, developers, you name it. Even a blogger is far more creative than start signing up as a blogger to be creative!haha..just kidding...If it is that easy, every single person in the world is creative without any sweat...As Aristotle once quoted, 'the secret of success is to know something nobody else knows' which surely means that creativity is one of the key to success. All in all, creativity is infinity. There's no right and wrong, no black and white in being creative...

"Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being...creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness-ecstasy."
- Rollo May, The Courage to Create
Below is some of creative inventions that i would like to share....

I know it looks gross but this is totally creative and one of a kind!!

This is not just an ordinary motorbike.. This bike works like a car that protect the rider from sunlight and rain. So, no more wet clothes and blurry image during heavy rain! This is such a genius idea that benefits everyone.

Can you imagine having a portable toolbox that fits your palm? Well, Swiss Army Knife can do that. Nowadays, we want everything in all in one. therefore creativity is vital in order to create something that can serve many functions.

Hugging your love one while sleeping is no more a dream! Japanese people are well known for their creative inventions. And this one is way sooo creative.

A chainsaw powered motorcycle is such an incredible idea! I don't know how this people can gain this crazy idea...

At first glance, this apple looks real but when I look at it carefully it is a memo pad! An apple shaped memo pad! Girls with fall in love with this cute stuff. Even though it is just a simple thing yet still it needs a creative thinking to invent something like that.

Creative video

This is one of the videos that I like most because of its creative ideas. As I am now learning about thinking and creativity in Lesson 1 I think I should share this video with everyone. I really appreciate this video even though it is just a simple video yet they manage to make it interesting just by using toys and stuffs all around him to make it rhyme together with the music notes. It is a simple idea yet very effective. In fact not many people have got this idea to do something like this. They think that being creative means doing something bigger as in 'the bigger the better' while actually the right saying is ;even small things can make the difference'.. Enjoy the show!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Introduction

Creative studies...
Well,frankly speaking this is the subject that i am going to learn this semester. Creative is such a universal word. it is usually related with arts, innovation, imagination, unusual thoughts, and the list goes on.....I know it sounds great to certain people but somehow for some people they find it 'utterly boring','too good to be true' or even 'total piece of shit'. People who appreciate, understand,and value the arts usually find that creativity is precious, highly treasured and eminent. However what is considered as 'creative' might be different as the saying goes 'beauty lies on the eyes of the beholder'. I will say that the painting is magnificent but for some people they don't look at the painting as magnificent as i see it... This is so confusing....!!!!So what is creative actually???
This is what i am expecting to learn from this class and i hope by the end of the class i will accomplish the goal...Nevertheless, i'm hoping to improve my creative way of thinking from this class in order to be an advanced, innovative and imaginative person.....

"People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do."
-- Lewis Cass, (1782-1866), American military officer and politician

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
-- General George Smith Patton, Jr